Liebster Award

A beautiful blogger Rachel  from Fashionably Living  has nominated me for Liebster Award, and I want to sincerely thank her for that! I am very flattered! It’s such a great feeling to know that someone on the other side of the computer likes my style, enjoys my posts, and gets inspired by my outfits!

 For those who wonder what a Liebster Award is, I will cite Rachel’s perfect description of it …”It is an award given to inspiring bloggers that have less than 200 or 300 followers to help spread the word of their inspiring sites.”… and so, Rachel, it is very sweet of you to think of my blog as an inspiration. What a compliment!

First off, I will answer the questions Rachel asked me:

  1.   What is it about fashion and/or design that attracts you?

I love how fashion, style, clothing, and accessories reveal and express my personality and mood.

  1. What is your goal with your blog?

Developing my creative side of styling, cooking, socializing, and I am open to sponsorship too.

  1. If you could trade closets with a celebrity, who would it be?

It would be Jessica Alba. I love her street-style looks.

  1. Coffee or tea?

Five years ago it was hot tea, now it’s coffee.

  1. Imagine someone describing you to a stranger- what would they say?

I think they will say that I am very optimistic and always have a smile on my face.

  1. Why did you start blogging?

I prefer to stay at home to raise and educate my children, and doing the things I love. Blogging happen to be one of them.

  1. Where do you find inspiration?

I find my inspiration from my family who I love dearly. They inspire me every day of my life.

  1. Do your prefer books or magazines?


  1. What do you think is the perfect recipe to run a fashion/lifestyle blog?

Love what you are doing, be creative, be open to criticism, and keep it interesting.

  1. How would you describe your personal and home decor style? Do you think they reveal part of your personality?

Modern, minimal, spatial, naturalistic, organic…yes they do.

  1. Can you divulge any beauty secrets? A make-up must-have you couldn’t live without?

If you are in a hurry, and have no time to put make-up on, put some mascara on your eye lashes and you are good to go…or run if you have to. Do not leave your house without mascara.

Please check out my favorite fellow bloggers, who keep inspiring me…


I would like to ask my nominees some questions. It will be very interesting to read their answers

  1. Why do you blog?
  2. Do you enjoy writing?
  3. What do you think you are better at writing or speaking?
  4. Do you consider yourself a creative person?
  5. Do you enjoy reading?
  6. What is your favorite book?
  7. Do you consider yourself an organized person?
  8. Did you ever meet one of your virtual blogger-friends in real life?
  9. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
  10. Is there anything you’d like to change about yourself?
  11. What are you most grateful for?

Please remember to leave me a comment after you have answered the questions and passed on the award. I would love to hear from all of you!

Congratulations! 🙂

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7 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Thanks so much for thinking of me! Here are my answers:

    1.Why do you blog? I love sharing my passion for style with like minded people. I am constantly inspired by other bloggers and hope to inspire people too.
    2.Do you enjoy writing? Sometimes – it depends – if I have plenty of time and no distractions (which rarely happens) I really love it!
    3.What do you think you are better at writing or speaking? Speaking. Hands-down.
    4.Do you consider yourself a creative person? Yes! I am a creative at heart, I love creating things- outfits, art, food, anything where I can put my own spin on it.
    5.Do you enjoy reading? I do but rarely find the time anymore, besides magazines that I can flip through while the baby is in the bath tub.
    6.What is your favorite book?I am a huge Jane Austen fan. I’ve read and re-read a few classics like Pride and Prejudice.
    7.Do you consider yourself an organized person? I used to be, but after a baby it is hard to be organized all the time. I just do what I can to stay on top of things before it gets too out of control.
    8.Did you ever meet one of your virtual blogger-friends in real life? No but I am dying to meet so many of them!
    9.What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? Racism. I see it so prevalent even though we have advanced in so many other areas like Science and Medicine, we are still in the stone ages when it comes to racism.
    10.Is there anything you’d like to change about yourself? I wish I could just go with the flow and not try to plan everything. I have an unhealthy fear of things not being perfect.
    11.What are you most grateful for? The health and happiness of my family and friends.

    Thanks so much again!!

    XO! – Zahra

    • Hey girl, thanks for all the answers! :-)) I feel the same way you do about meeting bloggers. It would actually be fun to meet in real life :-))

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! It definitely made my day. I’ve answered all the questions on my page. =)


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